For our final night ‘gala’ dinner in Montenegro, guests of the Engage!23 retreat experienced a modern and sleek celebration that fit seamlessly into three days of Engage! Hosted at One&Only Portonovi at Tapasake, a Japanese fusion restaurant like no other, the meal was certainly a standout! But so was the decor. Created by our wonderful friends, the incredibly talented Adriatic Events, tables were delicately dressed with pampas grass and dried florals to fit within the restaurant’s aesthetic.

Dinner menus doubled as place cards with custom naming on each. And they served a second purpose too, well, third. The menu disclosed the delicious meal to come and held the chopsticks to enjoy the dinner with. TPD Design House really outdid themselves on this one!

The escort card display (also designed by TPD) was a modern wooden marvel set between simple white flowers to blend with the stone setting around them. Guests walked up during cocktail hour to find their table, before finding their name on their menu.

Even though our retreats are intimate gatherings with a focus on wellness, personal growth, and immersive experiences — that doesn’t mean that they aren’t also lots of FUN. It’s always hard to say goodbye on our last night, but this was certainly a fun way to do it!

Remember how amazing we said the food was!? We weren’t kidding. One&Only Portonovi never leaves you hungry! It tasted as good as it looked!

Later that Night
We couldn’t end the retreat without more tunes from the spectacular performers at ALR Music. They rocked the house and brought people to the floor one final time.

Set on a stage above the pool waters, the band kept going until the wee hours of the night.

…and a good time was had by all. A very special thank you to our host partners for the evening Atlantis The Palm Dubai and Atlantis The Royal Dubai.
That’s a wrap! Thank you friends, partners, attendees, and the warm, welcoming people of Montenegro! Another incredible journey in the books and we could not be more thankful for all who made it happen! It’s clear why Montenegro is the hottest new Riviera. We can’t wait to see what destination weddings and events touch down here next!